A Running Commentary on Things...

I woke up this morning with the day in mind thinking that I could escape the drudgery of work to continue moving into my new digs unhindered...Seems that call offs never cease when you dont need them, hopefully I will not have to work tonight, boo-hoo...
Never mind my pithy little life, this man at the top of the page, who is he?? If you answered Dr. Janosz Poha from Ghostbusters II, you would be incorrect...In fact he is Timothy Geitner and not the actor Peter MacNicol ...He looks more like a steroid ridden lab rat as his head is unusually large...The first time I saw him he was being paraded across the screen via Fox News accused of tax dodging and that he would be the new Treasury Secretary...
Michael Savage spoke glowingly about Geitner and his "Liberal, radical left-wing, commie pinko economic policies" but much to my chagrin he ended up rambling on about being a kid in the Bronx and eating spaghetti and how America is losing its values etc, etc. Not that I am an avid listener of Mr. Savages programming, its often lazy and redundant even though he refers to President Obama as "Giggles the Clown", its edited with encore segments and pre-recoreded interviews that sound scripted...however, when he gets to ranting some of the things that come out are not only noteworthy, but comedic in nature.
So reading on about Obama's main money man and how he thinks its a fancy idea to take cue from Red China on a "Global Currency" made my head spin there for a second knowing that this was not only feasible, but could happen within the next four years. I wonder how they will pitch that...The little old ladies with the stacks of cash in coffee cans and cookie jars and rolled into socks between the mattresses?? Whats the exchange rate??
In an update over Timmy's idea to take over businesses and/or banks that are in danger of failing, the dialouge up on the 'ol hill is getting hotter by the minute...In testimony before the House Financial Services committee that just adjourned, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner just had to defend his institutional takeover plan against charges of radicalism.
"Do you realize how radical your proposal is?" Rep. Donald Manzullo (R-Ill.) asked.
"It's not radical. . ." Geither began, before Manzullo interrupted him.
"You're talking about seizing private businesses and you don't consider that radical?" Manzullo replied, his voice rising.
Manzullo is trying to get Geithner to give details of the plan -- that's where Geithner got stung before -- but Geithner doesn't have them yet.
If the plan were not radical, Manzullo said to Geithner, "you would have answers to some of my questions, such as, what size business would be subject to this?"
I love how Timmy replies "Its not radical" like a dumb ass teenager being questioned for coming home late, smelling like booze and perfume, "Its not that late and Im not drunk" right, Tim-bo, 'ol buddy...