
Free Speech Ends Here

The glaring and ugly hypocrisy of the democrats who support Obama have spoken, adding a new house rule that words such as "liar" and "intellectually dishonest" when referring to the president...yet the machine of mob rule that resides in the congress has themselves been just that for 10 years or better.

I remember President Bush addressing Congress and the left standing up hollering "liar", "youre a liar" and other now illegal epithets at the then elected president.

Rep. Joe Wilson after standing up to President Obama and shouting "you lie" during his speech to a joint session of congress has now been formally rebuked, even after he was made to go to the President with his tail between his legs in apology, an apology that was personal and accepted.

Its just not enough for the Liberals and cradle to the grave Obama supporters in the House. They have to use the knee jerk, emotional reaction, typical of liberals to throw several rotten tomatoes and flip the figurative bird at the Republicans.

As the word "reform" is used more and more lately, perhaps a reform of Congress and the grinding political machine should go down.
Re-instituting term limits for all members of Congress and not allowing them to live on a pension or benefits after leaving Congress.
Abolish the electoral college and make presidential elections official based solely on popular vote. One individual, one vote, straight up.
Insert or make it easier for a third political party to become to fruition. Perhaps a 'Constitutional Party' one that is dedicated limited government and adherence to the constitution as it is written.


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Helping Resident Obama

This is the official press release by the USDE on what President Obama wants of your children. I am quite sure that there will be many mothers and fathers who will pull their children out of school on September the 8th.

My question is "why" this even needs to happen?

Another reason why my child will be home schooled, for by the time she is old enough for school the government indoctrination machine will be chugging along nicely. And I don't give a damn who is in power...

U.S. Department of Education
Office of Communications & Outreach, Press Office
400 Maryland Ave., S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20202


1 p.m. EDT, Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2009
Contact: Sandra Abrevaya
(202) 401-1576 or sandra.abrevaya@ed.gov


The President will deliver a speech about the importance of persisting and succeeding in school on Sept. 8, the first day of school for many children across America. The Department of Education is encouraging educators, students and parents to use this opportunity to help students get focused and begin the school year strong. The speech will be broadcast live on www.whitehouse.gov at 1 p.m. EDT. The Department of Education has also asked a group of U.S. Department of Education Teaching Ambassador Fellows to develop some suggested classroom activities around the speech to help engage students and stimulate discussion on the importance of education in their lives. The suggested classroom activities will be available on www.ed.gov.

Here's how the President described the speech in a recent interview with 11 year-old reporter Damon Weaver yesterday: "On Sept. 8, when young people across the country will have just started or are about to go back to school, I'm going to be making a big speech to young people all across the country about the importance of education, the importance of staying in school, how we want to improve our education system, and why it's so important for the country. And so I hope everybody tunes in."

President Obama

Presidential Address To Students

1 p.m. EDT, Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2009

Broadcast live at www.whitehouse.gov
PreK-6 Menu of Classroom Activities:
President Obama’s Address to Students
Across America
Produced by Teaching Ambassador Fellows, U.S. Department of Education September 8, 2009

Before the Speech:
Teachers can build background knowledge about the President of the United States and his speech by reading books about presidents and Barack Obama and motivate students by asking the following questions: Who is the President of the United States? What do you think it takes to be President? To whom do you think the President is going to be speaking? Why do you think he wants to speak to you? What do you think he will say to you?

Teachers can ask students to imagine being the President delivering a speech to all of the students in the United States. What would you tell students? What can students do to help in our schools? Teachers can chart ideas about what they would say.

Why is it important that we listen to the President and other elected officials, like the mayor, senators, members of congress, or the governor? Why is what they say important?

During the Speech:
As the President speaks, teachers can ask students to write down key ideas or phrases that are important or personally meaningful. Students could use a note-taking graphic organizer such as a Cluster Web, or students could record their thoughts on sticky notes. Younger children can draw pictures and write as appropriate. As students listen to the speech, they could think about the following: What is the President trying to tell me? What is the President asking me to do? What new ideas and actions is the President challenging me to think about?
Students can record important parts of the speech where the President is asking them to do something. Students might think about: What specific job is he asking me to do? Is he asking anything of anyone else? Teachers? Principals? Parents? The American people?

Students can record any questions they have while he is speaking and then discuss them after the speech. Younger children may need to dictate their questions.

After the Speech:
Teachers could ask students to share the ideas they recorded, exchange sticky notes or stick notes on a butcher paper poster in the classroom to discuss main ideas from the speech, i.e. citizenship, personal responsibility, civic duty.
Students could discuss their responses to the following questions: What do you think the President wants us to do? Does the speech make you want to do anything? Are we able to do what President Obama is asking of us? What would you like to tell the President?

Teachers could encourage students to participate in the Department of Education’s “I Am What I Learn” video contest.

On September 8th, the Department will invite K-12 students to submit a 2 video no longer than 2 min, explaining why education is important and how their education will help them achieve their dreams. Teachers are welcome to incorporate the same or a similar video project into an assignment. More details will be released via www.ed.gov.

Extension of the Speech: Teachers can extend learning by having students
Create posters of their goals. Posters could be formatted in quadrants or puzzle pieces or trails marked with the labels: personal, academic, community, country. Each area could be labeled with three steps for achieving goals in those areas. It might make sense to focus on personal and academic so community and country goals come more readily.

Write letters to themselves about what they can do to help the president. These would be collected and redistributed at an appropriate later date by the teacher to make students accountable to their goals.

Write goals on colored index cards or precut designs to post around the classroom.
Interview and share about their goals with one another to create a supportive community.

Participate in School wide incentive programs or contests for students who achieve their goals.

Write about their goals in a variety of genres, i.e. poems, songs, personal essays.
Create artistic projects based on the themes of their goals.

Graph student progress toward goals.


What do you get from this and what does my kid have to do to help the president? Doesn't this man have enough to do? Shouldnt he be working on getting our economy repaired or some other novel idea??