
Anti-Obama Stickers and Class Warfare

It is always amusing to see the proverbial tables turned in the other direction. How soon we forget, with our selective memories and hearing, what the reality is...then again, perception is reality.
I found it quite ignorant, the uninformed and emotional reactions of the "Not My President", "1.20.09, End Of A Error" and the ever famous "W" locked inside brightly colored red "no" circle bumper stickers. Somehow I dont quite remember anyone really getting too upset about those particular statements, yet here we are with the left lashing out against the very individuals they were thumbing their noses at this time 4 years ago.

A word of advice: Don't dish out more shit than you can take.

Is the amendment that ensures every American the freedom of expression subjective?? There are many on both the right and the left that would set the example for such a president. There is no disclaimer to 1st amendment rights, there never has been, only the unwritten blemish of "political correctness" that is not only wildly absurd, but steeped in the bible of the ACLU (American Communist Liberal Underground) and the flaccid backbone of Hollywood.

What the people are failing to see, selectively heard and perceived, are the politicians, news media and celebrities damning the successful (yet most Hollywood A-listers net millions a year) and bolstering the romantic ideals of socialism. Politicians say they are "working for the man on the street" or "working for the little guy" when it is now a cardinal sin to earn more than a quarter million a year. Since when is the American Dream come under fire?? The Left constantly spew out the achievements of President Obama: A Harvard Law grad, the first "black" editor of the Harvard Law Review etc. all noble and worthy of acclaim, but in the same breath they demonize corporate executives who attended the same Ivy League schools and worked their way up through the ranks, in some cases, to get paid their contracted bonuses and salaries due to them at the end of the fiscal year.
The indoctrination of Americas youth into a load of sniffling, whining and lazy sponges who now expect every team to get a trophy for just showing up, the government to hand out when they cant make it and fall flat on their faces, and the teachers in the schools to grow and widen the grading scale, even changing it from A's to F's to "Pass/Fail" or to "Complete/Incomplete" totally demolishing any sense of responsibility, accomplishment, achievement or miserable failure. Is it going to get to the point where we only have to make sure our kids show up to school each day, listen to an instructors opinions and viewpoints instead of figures, hard facts and solid learning?

Those who are angry about others expressing their God given rights to a viewpoint and expressions have taken their share of the class warfare Kool-Aid. Eat the rich, damn the successful, but not as long as we hold the same view point and political ideals and "Red States" are full of redneck hillbillies and racists. The news media is especially deft at propagating the lies and fanning the fires that are beginning to burn across this country. Wider chasms of separation are forming that will eventually divide this country in half. Mass media propaganda, phony polls and "Breaking News" updates to keep you fed with what they want you to hear. Sitting in front of your television, glued to the latest developments completely blown out of proportion in an attempt to get you to tune in, buy in and sell out...

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