Ive been thinking about this for a few days now...Imagine that, a well thought well informed opinion...
Ever since President Obama allowed the Congressional Black Caucus to take that little jaunt over to Cuba, then following that up with picking up some change off the floor in front of the Saudi king, then finally schmoozing with Chavez and letting his body language do the talking while Ortega goes on a rant about how bad America is and has been, its spurned some thought about this man and what is really going on in his head, or what his desires are...
Obama seems to be enamored with certain dictators, smiling at them and having apparently no problem going in, with no pre-conditions whatsoever, to talks about what, exactly?? What is it that we, as a nation, need to discuss with these folks?? That is for another conversation, but after watching this man, and how much b.s. he has spewed over the past 90 days or so, and the two faced, double talk that has escaped from his lips; not to mention the direction his politics and ideals are driving this country, I have to say at this point that Obama actually believes he can change this country into a state similar to that of Russia, or Venezuela. It would not surprise me, if he were to be elected to a second term, that near the middle of that second term he would petition congress, noting that it would have to be a liberal majority to do so not that it would stop him, playing on fear and the same tactics and teleprompter smooth talk that got him elected, to either run for a third term as president, or to continue to sit as president until the "crisis" or what have you has "subsided"...
This of course is merely an idea, a thought or two, nothing more...
The ideology of this man, how he was raised and the ideology that he was exposed to during his high-school and college years, with travels to Indonesia and Kenya and the indoctrination of certain radical Islamic ideals on top of the education and ideology that is at Harvard, namely, the romanticized snippets of political science professors and economics professors, all throwbacks to the hippie movements, have toiled in their brains on the very subject of a Communist/Utopian existence in America...One level playing field for all where the government is in charge and provides for the welfare of the people...They have had years to mull it over and to pick apart the mistakes of Mussolini, Hitler, Marx, Lenin and Stalin, because it does not matter weather its Fascism or Communism, its all a totalitarian state that is run by one person...
I believe that this man believes he can stack the deck into his favor and get a permanent spot in the White House, or in the very least, set the groundwork for someone else to do it...(actually the groundwork was set during the Bush years via the Iraqi war) I think the same thing about Hillary Clinton, which is why she ran and was so pissed when she didnt get the nod...
Its about control and about power...Its about out of control ego's and the need to feed that ego through the granted powers of the presidency of the United States and to once again test the brackish waters of an oppressive police state, unleashed upon its people, removing the rights and liberties that are granted us by birthright, not because some empty suit says we can or cannot...
Lastly, I hear the word "Orwellian" thrown around alot lately as if it is a bad thing. I did several studies on Orwell through my college studies and have read most, if not all of his writings...Orwell warned people about the dangers of totalitarian states and the evils of absolute power. In 'Animal Farm' the revolt by the animals in the farm turned into just a mirror of what they were living in before...People should read this as well as 1984 and take for granted the message contained within...