Five days after the fact, yes this is about the Tea Party, I attended the Cleveland, Ohio variety and have to say that I enjoyed myself thoroughly...Of course we were staring in the face of a bitter chill that whipped up off of Lake Erie, around Cleveland Browns Stadium and right into the few thousand (by my own estimates) that decided to make their voices heard.
Conveniently, the DHS report that pretty much called half of America "Right Wing Extremists" based on the simple fact that you may disagree with the current administrations policies and view points on a myriad of topics such as abortion, gun control, taxation or that you are a vet of Iraq or Afghanistan, reared its ugly pustule marked head a few days before millions of Americans told the government what they thought of the way things have been conducted for the past 9, or so, years. Now there are petetions being circulated by hand, as well as online, for DHS to retract the report...DHS has now released a "statement" in defense of the DHS report, again, how convenient...The American Center for Law & Justice is in on it, a great article found HERE...Somehow I still dont think it all adds up as even though I have looked (not hard but I have looked) for a copy of the report its nowhere to be found...
My question is: What are these idiots thinking?? Where is the forethought that maybe, just maybe some people would get a little pissed off about all this?? The White House hasnt said much, if anything, at all about the report...Generally when that happens theyre either trying to distance themselves or they agree in some way...Im guessing the latter and that is only because I am following the trend here...
In talking with some folks there is a thread of thinking that this is just another step into all out class warfare...to deamonize the right or those who hold different views other than the regime that is in power...This is not unlike other dictatorships or totalitarian states have been able to accomplish in the past, its actually par for the course if you are at all familiar with your history.
The other and more extreme view is that if the government sets the precedent now that any dissenters from the "progressive" mindset are singled out, they could easily be detained simply based on suspicion and/or probable cause. It happened during WWII with the Japanese detainment camps and more recently with Guantanamo...I dont doubt that there are bad guys in Guantamo, yet on the other hand I cant be sure that 100% of them are a real threat to the U.S. That may have changed now seeing as there are a few that have had some time to sit on it and be indoctrinated even further, but hey, what do I know Im just another blogger lost in the stew of the internets...
I really love how Barry got played as a propoganda tool by Chavez a few days back, giving him a book, completely written in spanish mind you, making them look like best buddies...
More to come...

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