
What Has Prompted Me...

Geeze, its been like what, a long time since I ventured into this realm of the internet...Yeah, I dusted off the 'ol blog page in defiance to the Presidents warning of "misinformation" and "distractions" on the internet...somehow he feels that blogs are bad...cant imagine why he would NOT want people to take the liberty of gathering information on their own, you know, seeing as how one may actually learn something other than what MSNBC or FOX is telling us...

After having an experience today in which I am now fully and utterly disgusted, as well as disheartened, at the ignorance and ineptitude of our nations bureaucracy, I have decided that if
I can go live on a farm somewhere, totally off the map and fake my own death. I could assume the identity of another or become Amish and probably be perfectly happy. After all, the more things we have the more we are tied down...Im going to go listen to some jazz now...

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