
More For The Senator

I just got this email from a friend who makes a few fantastic points...Here is the content for your enjoyment...

"If the Federal Environmental Agency in league with the powerful Green lobbies would drop the 1000 plus lawsuits that have totally and completely STOPPED ALL new drilling for oil and natural gas as well as Shale Oil Technology within the United States as well as in ANWAR and the Continental Shelf we would not have an “energy crisis” nor would we be dependent upon foreign energy sources. One can only guess what the annual savings to tax paying Americans would be if we had these American resources made available to us. Obviously are the prices of gasoline, heating oil and natural gas. But virtually everything we use in our everyday life has oil built into it or it’s manufacture and packaging somewhere.

Further, in excess of 700 world class scientists have banned together and have issued studies that prove the global warming propaganda is exactly that. In very fact, recent as well as ancient history has shown the earth and associated planets in our solar system have forever gone through repeated cycles of warming and cooling. (You know, It’s the sun, stupid).

The overwhelming evidence today is that earth is going into a period of global cooling. In addition to the real fact that there is no hard scientific evidence that man’s actions are warming the planet, the very statement shows the audacity of some men to believe that the miniscule everyday actions of puny mankind, when measured against the backdrop of the greatness of earth and associated forces can really have an effect upon the climate!

Just stop to think that when the Americas were discovered the journals of the earliest explorers show that the forests we now have across the western United States were not there at the time. Two hundred years later, as man settled the continent mass clear cutting took place all up and down the eastern seaboard and across intermountain west. Yet growth rings and geological exploration do not show a global impact from these activities. Surely the impact of virtual de-forestation would have done something really bad.

The Cap and Trade Legislation is Pure Special Interest Legislation in it’s finest form.

1. It will serve to quiet the powerful environmentalists for a time, from which President Obama and so many of the Congress owe their Congressional Seats.

2. It will serve to broaden the scope of authority for the Department of the Interior and the Environmental Protection Agency beyond their leadership’s wildest dreams thereby earning those at the top greater income and far greater power.

3. It will put a feather in the President’s cap as another campaign promise filled.

4. It will serve to make Goldman Sachs more wealthy, by Billions of Dollars, than they now are because the trading of permits to purchase CO/2 emissions will be through them.

5. Wall Street will be happy because they can see the money to be made in trading the mass amounts of Rationing that will follow.

6. The Congress will be happy because in the negotiations for this legislation many will barter their signature for pet projects in their respective states that will end up lining their own pockets with gold.

7. The Congress will be overjoyed because this legislation, when it becomes law, will give them another Wall Street insider trading option with which to make great amounts of money; especially for those on committees where tactics and governance are taking place that will affect the selling prices of the permits and all associated sales.

8. The Congress will be happy because they will then have another group of special interests from which to leverage additional funds.

9. General Electric, Westinghouse, Philips, and so on will be happy because they are large enough to leverage exclusive contracts for those “Government Approved” energy savings devices such as Government Controlled heating and cooling thermostats, (Great Britain already has them), special Government Approved light bulbs, hot water temperature control devices monitored from outside the homes of Americans, timers attached to showers, tubs, laundry, and so on that will be monitored from outside the homes of Americans.

( Again, Great Britain has already mandated these control devices.

10. Nancy Pelosi will be especially happy because her Green Agenda is to control every personal aspect of Americans lives.

Of course there is more because with this legislation the only limits are to the lawmaker’s imagination. But in the end it will be the American Worker who will pay the price. Senator Brown’s form letter fails to mention the small fact that his “revolving fund” will be paid for by taxpayers. He conveniently fails to tell the cost of his plan.

I could go on but time will not allow. I must continue to work and save every penny I can scrounge up. When, not if, this legislation becomes law, I will need every thing possible to just get by.

If you think I am kidding around or I have fallen into another conspiracy theory, go on line and take your Green Carbon Footprint test. You will be pleasantly surprised to find how you will be forced to live under the upcoming Green Dictatorship."

This is a great argument and I urge everyone to use a similar talking points directed at your Senators as some of them will be getting their proverbial envelope of cash ensuring that they pass this abomination and pack of lies. Most importantly, find out what side your Senators stand on stay in contact with them through every step of the way...If we fail to do so we have no excuse or recourse if this thing gets passed...

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