
The Blame Game

We once again are privy to the ongoing 'blame game' being played by the oafs inside the beltway. Since the liberals and their troupe of spineless congressional sheeple find themselves inching closer to the ropes of the proverbial ring, they find themselves looking for some help in the argument over the government take over of the health care industry.

I was told once by a speech teacher that when in a debate, if your opponent changes the subject or attempts to re-direct attention he/she is loosing or has found themselves without an argument. In Nancy Pelosi's case, this has happened. She was caught on record accusing the mass of citizens who have now found themselves protesting the feds from getting into the insurance business of carrying swastikas into the town hall meetings. I, myself, have never seen nor heard of such things happening, and I can tell you that I am involved on many fronts, not just from behind this monitor and keyboard. Yet, I am sure that sooner or later this blog will be one of the many numbered on the new W.H. snitch site, www.flag@whitehouse.gov. (Feel free to snitch, the brown shirts and jackboots can come but I wont let them in).

One of my personal favorite figures in Washington, Barbara Boxer, has taken her own jabs saying that all of this hallabaloo is "organized" and that the people just want to "change congress"..Really? You think so? Listen, lady, we do want to change congress and I will be much happier when you and your secret lover, Pelosi, are finished and sent back to kooky Cali on your private jet to stew in your own miserable juices. On the other hand if these town hall protesters were shouting about something she supported, she be standing up saying "They are exercising their right to be heard, they need help, they are being victimized and have a right to express their frustrations." Total hypocrisy again by the loony left...

On the Eastern Front, Obama has once again resorted to his artsy round about blaming of Bush for "this mess". What he keeps forgetting is that he was part of this mess as was half of the current congress, and if the system is still somewhat in place, they also should be roped in with that argument.

Its a pithy jab, King Obama, and a tired one at that. Both Alf and Vanilla Ice thinks that act is tired.

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