Its not as if we didnt know what was happening or what was going on, it was only a matter of time before the exposure began to take place and we were faced with the reality of what Americans are up against.
In Los Angeles, "Joker" style posters bearing the face of B.H. Obama with the word "SOCIALISM" printed in bold, block type below the depiction are and have been cropping up all over the city. Some have been astonsihed but others are applauduing the move as heroic and outspoken.
The corp of community organizers, namely Earl Ofari Hutchinson of the Los Angeles Urban Party Roundtable, care calling it "mean spirited" and "dangerous". I beg, Mr. Earl, to tell me how it is dangerous? Could it be because this is the right of the people of the U.S. to speak and express themselves as they see fit? Or does it go against that which is speedily being established? Vanity Fair magazine published similar images of G.W. Bush in 2008 to the jeers of the progressive movement and the Hollywood elite. The same Hollywood elite who are now taking trips to places such as Cuba and Venezuela to canoodle with the Commies, for what and to what end I am not sure.
Additionally, a recent video that has gone viral via YouTube, shows Obama doing what he apparently does best, two face the issues and pander to the voters. In a talk to the Ameican Medical Association he states that Government run health care is not a shell game to institute a single payer, Government exclusive health care system. In the same video he is shown with the SEIU saying that his goal, eventually, is to eliminate employer based health coverage. In the next clip he is standing in front of the AFL-CIO and plainly states that he is "a proponent of a single payer, universal health care plan".
My question is thus: Who are you lying to, Mr. President? The unions you represent in order to gather a few more pithy votes, or the American Citizen??
As Barack Obama has been compared to Lincoln, perhaps he should remember the words of that man: "This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing Government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it."
There is folly in the leadership of a community organizer, an activist and ideologist as president. Although he has the skill to organize many people to his cause, the folly therein is his ignorance to the strength of the common man and his love of country, as well as his arrogance and overestimation of his precieved power. This man will serve no purpose but his own and tear down the foundation and framework, even the Constitution, to forward his own selfish ideology and that of those he surrounds himself with.
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