
"Fixing" Healthcare, Pt. 1

As the health care debate rages, and in turn enrages, its become the cloak under which the feds are continuing to hide as they run out of arguments only to resort to more flaccid talking points and name calling.

Arlen Specter, the isle jumper from PA, is once again shouted down by a town hall attendee who had to be restrained by police, and representatives like Sherrod Brown (D-OH) are doing their best to not directly announce the time and place that the town hall meeting his office is organizing, but are instead being as indirectly direct as possible. As far as I know this very morning at around 10am Senator Brown is holding a meeting at the OSU Biomedical Research center in Columbus. I am marking myself out for an extended lunch hour to go over and make one more voice among the rest of the 'dissenters', as that is what anyone who is opposing this reform has been labeled as.

The old 'switcheroo' shell game that this bill is comprised of, along with the pages of hand outs, reparations and furthered affirmative action legislation; as well as the repeated denials by the president that he isn't aiming for a single payer system are falling on deaf ears. The technology and valuable tool of the Internet and YouTube are the silver bullet to Obamas two faced lies and attempts to b.s. the public. We all know by now and have seen the two pieces, one to the AFL-CIO and the SEIU where he plainly states that he is a proponent of a single payer health system. Yet yesterday at a town hall meeting in New Hampshire Obama played down and flat out denied what he stated both in 2003 and as recent as 2007.
And the liberal media called Romney a "flip-flopper". I think more fitting for Obama should be "liar", but you wont hear that from Olberman, Maddow, Stewart or any of the major network news outlets.

Obama also brought out the extinguisher once again to put out the fires that the likes of Specter, Boxer and Pelosi have started in front of the ranks of thousands calling some "un-American" and Arlen Specters additional comments that the protesters are "not representative of America".

Well then what is, Senator? Getting a huge pay off to jump over the isle to give the Democrats the filibuster proof majority? All you did was show that you actually are spineless.

Whats more is that Obama still plays that same old hand of the fear tactic, the one that GWB played so well when he tells people "For all the scare tactics out there, what is truly scary is if we do nothing." So very lame, Mr. President, very lame indeed.

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