Being off the map for a few days allowed me to not only catch a wicked sunburn, which by the way itches like nothing else I have ever encountered that I can remember...
Also it has allowed me to forget politics for a bit, however with the upcoming Supreme Court confirmation of the "Wise Latina" who throughout her history has been a reported supporter of Latino "extremist" and supremacy groups like PRLDEF, Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund, has taken hard leaning stands on Latino "equality" and "civil rights", the Lefts favorite buzz words. She has also been considered to be an environmental extremist, and has also been reported to have supported and have ties to ACORN.
It was B.H. Obama who said "An Acorn doesn't fall far from the tree." Indeed it does not, but to what end? It seems that Obama is true to his roots once again as 350 pages of information detailing the judges links to PRLDEF, (now known as "Latino Justice PRLDEF" and ACORN who has now to "Community Organizations International") have been released detailing the 12 years Sotomayor spent on its board. They will be rummaged through in detail and scrutinized harshly by the GOP that sit on the Judiciary Committee, but if I am not mistaken the Dems have the majority on that panel so I don't know how much difference it will make in the end.
The GOP will do its thing and cite the ties and scrutinize her past judgments making a point, I am sure, that she has a tendency to judge using ideology instead with precedence and the rule of law. The Dems will play up the fact that she is of Latino lineage and that this is some sort of ground breaking deal, much like the election of Obama, seeing as how she would be the first Latin Justice, on top of being a female. Its affirmative action at work, people. The affirmative action president and the affirmative action Supreme Court Justice. If she is not nominated, ten will get you twenty that somewhere out of deep left field someone will play the race card, most likely Rachel "Madcow", Olberman (who will blame it on "Right Wing Extremism") or John Stewart (who will blame it on Bush) will try and dump another few cans of unleaded on the fires of racism stating that since its a woman and shes Latino she didn't get nominated that the GOP and/or those who voted against her are purely racist.
Sotomayors comments, as recent as her official nomination, have allowed the informed public to peer into her real, honest to goodness thoughts and the underlying intentions of Obama, who with this move, has pretty much put a lasso around the Latin vote. A shrewd sucker punch and a pathetic pander in order to wrangle in a few more votes...Also, if Sotomayor is confirmed and seated, we are sure to see her vote in favor of any ACORN or Latino related cases that come across the bench. Her track record will speak for itself as she has been touted as a "Centrist" by the government run media, but will end up being a hard left leaner and a reliable staple post for the left throughout the years. This will also tip the scales further to the left when it comes to issues like gun control, abortion laws and furthering affirmative action legislation making it tougher to do things like hire qualified candidates and fire the lousy ones.
As the Supreme Court has grown more emboldened and begun legislating from the bench, the need for checks and balances has been put to the hog trough. More and more Americans are becoming hip to the garbage and are taking a stand joining non partisan organizations that stand for fair and smaller governance, fewer taxes and liberty, becoming more and more active in civil matters and rallying the citizenry.
Heed the call and take a stand before you wake up one day as the sun shines in through the window and you realize that you have nothing left except your thoughts, which you can never speak out loud.
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