The ignorance of the human being never ceases to amaze me...
I should really, REALLY, stop frequenting the message boards in search of political and pop culture babble...I am to the point that I am going to start foaming at the mouth and challenge the next Obama bumper sticker toting reject I see to a duel...I even do it the old fashioned way...you know, I come correct sporting a pair of leather gloves, gently yet sternly remove one of them finger by finger and slap the sheeple right across the face then dramatically throw it down to the ground in front of them proudly declaring, "I challenge thee to a duel" making sure I emphasize the word "duel" into two distinct syllables...Allow me to note that it would be really awesome if I had a large brimmed, felt hat with a gigantic feather in the band...not like a pimp hat but more like a buccaneer...My assistant will be near by with various weaponry...bats wrapped in barbed wire and staples, Conan the Barbarian swords, chains, ninja stars, a pole axe, rocks and sling shots and shields...
We shall fight to the death in a no holds barred match of strength and cunning...thats if the boob doesnt run away crying as soon as I start chucking ninja stars and come strong with the Conan sword.
There are several points of light that I wish to bring to your attention...I shall now submit a couple for your enjoyment accordingly and anonymously...
"we as a people need to hold our own courts with our own ruling body, maybe say like a yay or nay from a crowd(mob). we could build a stage and/or a public hall. go down to the capitals buildings and haul the crooks out one by one to the public court and hold their trials there for all to see and attend. wall st will not be exempt from these trials either."
**My reply to this enlightened individual, and the numb skull sheeple, was as such...
"Actually, the Constitution allows for such things including forming a militia to regulate the government, even to the point of revolt and coup to keep things pure...
"Our problem is that we have become so complacent as a citizenry that we have allowed years of congressional and presidential steamrolling of our rights...Lets face it, the day the congress voted themselves no term limits and raises is the day that freedom and the Constitution of our country began to die...We only allow the President two terms, why should we allow congress the exact opposite formality??
"Find your local non partisan organizations and join them. Openly campaign against the people who are screwing us. Openly picket the offices of the congressmen who have taken money and been paid off (which is 100% illegal) into voting for expanding government, especially the Cap and Trade legislation which IS a tax increase. What I dont get is how you can buy and sell what is essentially "air" on the open market. Its just as absurd as buying prayers from the TV evangelist or going to get "healed" by some creepy jack-ass in a $1000 white suit who really just likes to put his hands on people...The retarded sheeple dont see it yet but will feel it if it passes, especially when the cost of their rot gut wine and arugula sprigs go through the roof. Honestly I can say that if it does pass people are just going to say 'screw it' and take the fight to the streets..."
I shall be in front with my Conan sword and shield ready for battle...
I especially love how this special person refers to Wikiepedia as an actual reference?? Are you freaking kidding me?? Does he/she not know that Wiki is a user generated online "encyclopedia" and not an official reference?? I can make up a definition and explanation for anything I want...its just as futile as urbandictionary.com
"...And for those who are listening to the political talking heads trying to tell you this is a new 'tax', I suggest you attempt to learn what emissions trading (Cap & Trade) really is. You could even read the actual bill in congress.. Nah.. You can start below, but if you research the actual countries doing it, you will find it has been economically beneficial and even helped to lower energy costs somewhat due to forcing investments in newer technology... Especially Australia & New Zealand.
As to 'Europe' loving alternative energy, I didn't say that. I said that alternative energy is in extensive use in Europe, and it is. It does not produce all their power, but they are installing it in significant amounts. Germany, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands. Denmark derives a lot of their power from wind, and is the largest producer of wind energy."
Obviously this individual has never read the Crap and Trade legislation either, the same as their esteemed Congressional Representatives have failed to do on several occasions...I read as much as I could stomach without vomiting up my breakfast of plain oatmeal and Detour bar...Actually, never mind that...the mere fact that they are using Wiki as a rebuttal floors me altogether yet somehow I am not surprised...
So for today I will do my very best to keep off the message boards and turn my attention to writing Senator Sherrod Brown letting this fine gentleman know that if he votes for Cap and Trade that I, along with others, shall openly picket his local office, donate to mass mail and phone banks and drive as many negative campaign ads possible as well as openly, and as obnoxiously as possible, picket any speaking engagement and campaign stop he has on his little agenda in the upcoming campaign season...
And to that I bid you, good day, sir...
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