I suppose you have to have some special degree from Harvard or Yale or Brown or some garbage like that in order to understand the new bureaucratic nightmare flow chart released by the GOP explaining Obama's audacious hope of socialized health care...
Rahm and the gang are pushing this through so hard that Congress is literally choking and Queen Nancy is doing cartwheels in the hallways...I hear that as the draft was approved she cried tears of joy and desperately tried to hide the little dollar signs that appeared in her eyes...
Tax and spend, rinse, repeat...
From what I can gather and what I have read from several sources, as the official bill has not been released for public consumption at this hour, employers will be mandated to provide health care to their employees in exchange for "Health Credits" as well as the massive, and I mean massive, tax on the "rich" and "super rich". Ironically and consequently this includes most of Congress and the Presidents Cabinet and financial backers. However I doubt, and would bet my trusty nose picking finger, that they will weasel out of having to submit one red cent to the needed, and estimated, 1.5 Trillion dollars needed to make sure some welfare slug can get ER care for that hang nail and indigestion from consuming too many bags of Doritos and Kool-Aid that they bought with their WIC card...
One of the keys here is that we already have millions each year seeking emergency services for non-emergency issues...however, by law they must be seen by a health practitioner and be submitted to testing before release on account that if they drop dead in the parking lot after a doctor misdiagnosis a heart condition as acid reflux. They could sue the doctor, the hospital and if they are a welfare recipient, the state. There are plenty of ambulance chasing scumbag lawyers out there who would sell their mother to a circus for a pack of Big League Chew bubble gum and a six pack of crappy beer for the opportunity to cash in on that mistake and represent a grieving family to the tune of a few million for their loss, while the lawyer gets 20% or more.
Not only will this bill drive down the quality of care, increase the length of wait for care and end up hurting more people that it helps, but will drive small business owners off of main street and either into retirement or force them to work less, thereby reducing their tax burden. The majority of the American work force is employed by small business and the risk that the taxes and forced coverage for employees will be too much. By the time this pendulum gets into its full motion, more jobs will be lost and more people will have no choice but to resort to the government teat of unemployment and welfare, if you can get it.
One last, but not the least, effect this bill would have is to drive good doctors underground. Doctors and nurses who refuse to buy into the system could and will start doing incognito house calls and practicing out of their own homes or private offices, off the books, to avoid the myriad of taxes and regulations that will be placed as this act evolves and more legislation is added over the years. And lets not even broach the subject of the Canadian system or the system in the U.K. where some people wait months for things like arthritis, or sometimes longer for chemo treatment and my never get treatment for "less serious" issues. Of course its normalcy for the "really smart" people who have been elected to know how to fix whats wrong with what others have already tried and failed at...kind of like how some folks think they can polish the turd of Socialism.
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