HERE is the link to a friendly bloggers page dealing with our current, now waist deep and rising, cesspool of political nonsense and out and out lawlessness...
They are good people who on a recent trip to the state legislature were met with less than stellar courtesy when demanding the Ohio State Legislature pass a viable budget and quit pussy footin around with some piece of garbage that was laden with pork...
Speaking of pork, a huge shout out to the Cleveland Tea Party Patriots, latest Poster Child For America. An obviously over worked and over burdened state house staffer who was way more interested in hog facing a bag of Lays rather than helping a group of concerned citizens...Something about watching a massive food slave mashing hand fulls of Ruffles down that fat gullet, then getting to watch her be incredibly inconvenienced that feeding time had to be interrupted, makes me very warm and cozy inside...It also makes me want to be an anorexic tragedy and eat a box of Ex-Lax...
Anyhow, this is post is dedicated to you my darling damsel of the trans fat. Perhaps one day I can take your greasy hand in mine and kindly, and perhaps short of breath, lead you over the edge of that great cliff where I have convinced you exists an endless supply of Big Macs, bags of Combos (nacho cheese flavor, please) and Big Gulps of Diet Coke await you for all of eternity...
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