I'll make this short as my morning break here at work is only 15 minutes and I tend to do alot of self editing...to avoid that below is a link to a news story I found not only viable but so hypocritical that if you dont see the elitism and the bold slap in the face of the American Tax Payer, than you are not paying attention and should never stand in a voting booth again...
See the photo above?? thats right, theres our ol pal Nancy "Looks Like An Aged Tranny" Pelosi, doing a little shopping in gay 'ol Paris, or "Paree" if youre following my thread here...
Apparently the trips on YOUR dime have been piling up (heres the link ctsy of the WSJ)...Me thinks that the Libs are smelling smoke as the 2010 campaigns begin to start up at the end of this year, and there is a huge potential for a massive turnover where the Libs are sure to get ousted...Its kind of like you KNOW if youre going to get fired and so you steal pencils and pens and eat other peoples lunch out of the office refrigerator, then turn it off before you leave so the next morning someones tuna salad wrap smells like a fish mongers ass...History shows us that they typically dont last more than a few years anyway, passing a ton of garbage legislation and doing their very best to jack up the tax rate and spend, spend, spend...
Most of these crooks make over the now famous 250k/year tag of "rich" and I would guess pretty accurately that they dont pay a single dime into the IRS. Here they are now spending like freaking crazy and getting away with it...Where is the outrage here?? When this thing turns over Im heading to Washington on my next vacation to go lobby Dennis Kucinich, who voted "NAY" on the Crap and Trade bill by the way, and loves a good fight, as well as Ron Paul into writing legislation that would demand re-payment of time and monies used to travel out of the country...I ask, what on earth does a member of Congress need to do in the Galapagos or touring Europe?? Ive worked a job pretty much since I was 14 years old and have never even been to Canada...
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