Free Speech Ends Here
I remember President Bush addressing Congress and the left standing up hollering "liar", "youre a liar" and other now illegal epithets at the then elected president.
Rep. Joe Wilson after standing up to President Obama and shouting "you lie" during his speech to a joint session of congress has now been formally rebuked, even after he was made to go to the President with his tail between his legs in apology, an apology that was personal and accepted.
Its just not enough for the Liberals and cradle to the grave Obama supporters in the House. They have to use the knee jerk, emotional reaction, typical of liberals to throw several rotten tomatoes and flip the figurative bird at the Republicans.
As the word "reform" is used more and more lately, perhaps a reform of Congress and the grinding political machine should go down.
Re-instituting term limits for all members of Congress and not allowing them to live on a pension or benefits after leaving Congress.
Abolish the electoral college and make presidential elections official based solely on popular vote. One individual, one vote, straight up.
Insert or make it easier for a third political party to become to fruition. Perhaps a 'Constitutional Party' one that is dedicated limited government and adherence to the constitution as it is written.
Helping Resident Obama

This is the official press release by the USDE on what President Obama wants of your children. I am quite sure that there will be many mothers and fathers who will pull their children out of school on September the 8th.
My question is "why" this even needs to happen?
Another reason why my child will be home schooled, for by the time she is old enough for school the government indoctrination machine will be chugging along nicely. And I don't give a damn who is in power...
U.S. Department of Education
Office of Communications & Outreach, Press Office
400 Maryland Ave., S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20202
1 p.m. EDT, Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2009
Contact: Sandra Abrevaya
(202) 401-1576 or sandra.abrevaya@ed.gov
The President will deliver a speech about the importance of persisting and succeeding in school on Sept. 8, the first day of school for many children across America. The Department of Education is encouraging educators, students and parents to use this opportunity to help students get focused and begin the school year strong. The speech will be broadcast live on www.whitehouse.gov at 1 p.m. EDT. The Department of Education has also asked a group of U.S. Department of Education Teaching Ambassador Fellows to develop some suggested classroom activities around the speech to help engage students and stimulate discussion on the importance of education in their lives. The suggested classroom activities will be available on www.ed.gov.
Here's how the President described the speech in a recent interview with 11 year-old reporter Damon Weaver yesterday: "On Sept. 8, when young people across the country will have just started or are about to go back to school, I'm going to be making a big speech to young people all across the country about the importance of education, the importance of staying in school, how we want to improve our education system, and why it's so important for the country. And so I hope everybody tunes in."
President Obama
Presidential Address To Students
1 p.m. EDT, Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2009
Broadcast live at www.whitehouse.gov
PreK-6 Menu of Classroom Activities:
President Obama’s Address to Students
Across America
Produced by Teaching Ambassador Fellows, U.S. Department of Education September 8, 2009
Before the Speech:
Teachers can build background knowledge about the President of the United States and his speech by reading books about presidents and Barack Obama and motivate students by asking the following questions: Who is the President of the United States? What do you think it takes to be President? To whom do you think the President is going to be speaking? Why do you think he wants to speak to you? What do you think he will say to you?
Teachers can ask students to imagine being the President delivering a speech to all of the students in the United States. What would you tell students? What can students do to help in our schools? Teachers can chart ideas about what they would say.
Why is it important that we listen to the President and other elected officials, like the mayor, senators, members of congress, or the governor? Why is what they say important?
During the Speech:
As the President speaks, teachers can ask students to write down key ideas or phrases that are important or personally meaningful. Students could use a note-taking graphic organizer such as a Cluster Web, or students could record their thoughts on sticky notes. Younger children can draw pictures and write as appropriate. As students listen to the speech, they could think about the following: What is the President trying to tell me? What is the President asking me to do? What new ideas and actions is the President challenging me to think about?
Students can record important parts of the speech where the President is asking them to do something. Students might think about: What specific job is he asking me to do? Is he asking anything of anyone else? Teachers? Principals? Parents? The American people?
Students can record any questions they have while he is speaking and then discuss them after the speech. Younger children may need to dictate their questions.
After the Speech:
Teachers could ask students to share the ideas they recorded, exchange sticky notes or stick notes on a butcher paper poster in the classroom to discuss main ideas from the speech, i.e. citizenship, personal responsibility, civic duty.
Students could discuss their responses to the following questions: What do you think the President wants us to do? Does the speech make you want to do anything? Are we able to do what President Obama is asking of us? What would you like to tell the President?
Teachers could encourage students to participate in the Department of Education’s “I Am What I Learn” video contest.
On September 8th, the Department will invite K-12 students to submit a 2 video no longer than 2 min, explaining why education is important and how their education will help them achieve their dreams. Teachers are welcome to incorporate the same or a similar video project into an assignment. More details will be released via www.ed.gov.
Extension of the Speech: Teachers can extend learning by having students
Create posters of their goals. Posters could be formatted in quadrants or puzzle pieces or trails marked with the labels: personal, academic, community, country. Each area could be labeled with three steps for achieving goals in those areas. It might make sense to focus on personal and academic so community and country goals come more readily.
Write letters to themselves about what they can do to help the president. These would be collected and redistributed at an appropriate later date by the teacher to make students accountable to their goals.
Write goals on colored index cards or precut designs to post around the classroom.
Interview and share about their goals with one another to create a supportive community.
Participate in School wide incentive programs or contests for students who achieve their goals.
Write about their goals in a variety of genres, i.e. poems, songs, personal essays.
Create artistic projects based on the themes of their goals.
Graph student progress toward goals.
What do you get from this and what does my kid have to do to help the president? Doesn't this man have enough to do? Shouldnt he be working on getting our economy repaired or some other novel idea??
11 Days In The Hole/Bill Maher Is 'Stupid'
I am especially happy to see the decrepit, decaying body that is Congress wither in front of our eyes. Nancy Pelosi is in hiding somewhere in the haven of California during the August recess, probably kicking at her winery and getting crunk with Barb Boxer and indulging in more Botox injections. Barney Frank is, well, Barney Frank growing more and more agitated at his constituency and New York Congressman Eric Massa proudly stating, then backtracking a little as is customary for any elected idiot, that he would vote against the interests of his constituency as long as he was doing what HE thought was right...Is this a surprise at all??
Nevertheless, as we emerge from said August recess and the President takes his vacation in Marthas Vineyard we can be assured that this winter will be a long and cold one as far as the politics of our country are concerned.
What really has put a little fire in my tank this week are the remarks I heard from Bill Maher. You know, the guy who had the late, late show on CBS then left that to go to HBO so he could say whatever he wanted. I don't know what the ratings are for that little ditty of a program, but I cannot say that they are that great, he is constantly joining the talking heads on CNN to give his little pithy comments on various subjects while plugging his show, then getting gusy bashing conservatives, kissing the ass of the President and how he is so freaking smart. Right.
Its pretty apparent from Mr. Mahers comments and overall attitude that he a giant among insects and the rest of us, meaning you and I, are nothing more than mindless zombies and that we cannot think for ourselves. Never mind that since we, as a people, cannot seem to come to a consensus on weather or not our Government should dole out our health care instead of letting us make our own decisions. Its obvious that the majority of Americans do not want to be told by the Government how to live or under what conditions. Has that not been a bold sign in our faces?
I have a question for you Billy, are we the only "stupid" country out there or are there others? Your ego and apparent contempt for the average citizen incites nausea at best, nor does it lack any substance at all. On top of it, in previous comments, you stated that America is stupid because there is a large part, perhaps not a majority, that would vote for Sara Palin. Tell me how this makes someone stupid. I, personally, don't know that I would vote for her, so does that make me "smart"?
There is one important piece that you are failing to realize, Bill; pure intelligence is God given. It is not learned or gathered. Then again, you have repeatedly denounced religion and you ego is so incredibly stifling to us little folk so I doubt you believe in any being greater than yourself anyway.
In the end I will resort to that of the "stupid American"...If I see Bill Maher, I will fight him.
Laziness...And Retreat...
In lieu of that, here are a few articles I recently read and will use the creative wealth of others to spread to the tens of people who actually read this thing...Enjoy...
This one is about the White House backpedaling on the 'flag@whitehouse.gov' debacle...
Another from Politico about pushing back the health scare bill to September...Maybe Pelosi and her gang are hoping the public will forget about it...I doubt that madam, many of the folks who are on this are well organized...probably better organized than ACORN or many unions.
Finally, the Libs are crying, probably hugging some trees or getting angry looking to see if they can play the race card in some way, over the W.H.'s decision to RETREAT on the "Public Option" speak...
Do you sense a theme here??
"Fixing" Healthcare, Pt. 2
Even with all that and the reduced care, once again the road to ruin is paved with good intention. I personally feel that we need something more cohesive in this country that will make it more affordable for companies to provide meaningful health coverage, under a co-payer system, to their employees. I light of that I propose the following:
1. We must reform Medicare and Medicaid.
These programs have done nothing but further the welfare state and assist in the inflation of costs for the taxpayer. It has also propagated the poor and those on welfare to turn to emergency rooms for their primary care as opposed to the majority who seek doctors for their primary care. Additionally, illegal immigrants and those who are here without a knowledge of the working system have and do currently take advantage of that very system they do not fully understand. All they know is that they can take their kid who has a cough and fever and get treatment without being asked if they are legal or not. So long as they have ID and an address they can get treatment. The staff at the hospital is not allowed to ask their citizenship status, they could be sued and loose their jobs. What is more, the ER is crowded with individuals who are ill informed or do not have a sense of medical care so they turn to those ER's for non emergency items. Since the laws and lawyers are so on top of things, no patient can be turned away for fear of liability issues or the threat of a law suit.
2. We must ring in the lawyers.
A federal mandate must be issued stating that any and all malpractice claims should be capped at $200,000. The state of California has set this precedent by capping settlements at 250k. There are thousands of ambulance chasers and crooked lawyers who are sucking the system dry and putting strain on the insurance companies by suing every time someone gets an infection or a doctor makes a mistake. The fact of the matter is that this practice alone has corrupted the system and effected the premiums that people pay for their coverage. It has strained businesses and made it financially impossible for small business to afford the co-paid premiums to cover their employees.
By capping the malpractice judgements, as well as putting restrictions on medical litigation, the cost to the provider will decrease and open the avenues for insurers to do a higher volume of business making it possible to lower rates.
3. Set clear lines for public programs and abuse statutes.
A clearer outline and agenda to those who receive public medical assistance must be written in order to cut unnecessary costs and eliminate the waste and abuse of the system.
The system is also being taken advantage of at every turn, even as we speak. There are people who go from doctor to doctor, falsifying ailments and having prescriptions written in order to satisfy drug problems or to re-sell on the street. Under any Medicare or Medicaid reform, a valid Medicare ID must be presented and scanned into a system that gives a detailed history of visits to doctors or hospitals and what prescriptions have been issued. Additionally, a co-pay must be presented before any care, even emergency room visits, can be administered, unless the individual is in a state of trauma. Those who willfully abuse the system should be prosecuted or have their coverage suspended. The same should be extended to coverage through private insurers in order to drive down the cost of covering abuse of the insurance system.
In short the direction that the federal government currently takes, and has taken in the past, is a tact that will only cause each American an increased tax burden and dilute the system of doctors and hospitals, decreasing the quality of care and causing much undue stress and increased ill health on account of those things. Socialized medicine is nothing more than an attempt to place more control over the people of a nation. currently European countries and Canada look to eliminate their government subsidized coverage and lower the burden to their citizens, yet here we are, the most free nation in the world that ever was and we march towards that which has crippled financially some of our allies around the globe.
True reform comes in that which is to improve or eliminate the existing system and create the environment in which free enterprise can flourish and thrive making it easier for the individual to dictate their own care, and not to be dictated by a bureaucracy.
"Fixing" Healthcare, Pt. 1
Arlen Specter, the isle jumper from PA, is once again shouted down by a town hall attendee who had to be restrained by police, and representatives like Sherrod Brown (D-OH) are doing their best to not directly announce the time and place that the town hall meeting his office is organizing, but are instead being as indirectly direct as possible. As far as I know this very morning at around 10am Senator Brown is holding a meeting at the OSU Biomedical Research center in Columbus. I am marking myself out for an extended lunch hour to go over and make one more voice among the rest of the 'dissenters', as that is what anyone who is opposing this reform has been labeled as.
The old 'switcheroo' shell game that this bill is comprised of, along with the pages of hand outs, reparations and furthered affirmative action legislation; as well as the repeated denials by the president that he isn't aiming for a single payer system are falling on deaf ears. The technology and valuable tool of the Internet and YouTube are the silver bullet to Obamas two faced lies and attempts to b.s. the public. We all know by now and have seen the two pieces, one to the AFL-CIO and the SEIU where he plainly states that he is a proponent of a single payer health system. Yet yesterday at a town hall meeting in New Hampshire Obama played down and flat out denied what he stated both in 2003 and as recent as 2007.
And the liberal media called Romney a "flip-flopper". I think more fitting for Obama should be "liar", but you wont hear that from Olberman, Maddow, Stewart or any of the major network news outlets.
Obama also brought out the extinguisher once again to put out the fires that the likes of Specter, Boxer and Pelosi have started in front of the ranks of thousands calling some "un-American" and Arlen Specters additional comments that the protesters are "not representative of America".
Well then what is, Senator? Getting a huge pay off to jump over the isle to give the Democrats the filibuster proof majority? All you did was show that you actually are spineless.
Whats more is that Obama still plays that same old hand of the fear tactic, the one that GWB played so well when he tells people "For all the scare tactics out there, what is truly scary is if we do nothing." So very lame, Mr. President, very lame indeed.
Cloud Ships, Teleportation Portals and Giant Sea Beasts

This time I am not being the least bit facetious. In fact, this is a REAL article by a REAL news source and the sources and information has been verified.
U.S. and British scientists are really, actually, working on "cloud ships" which will sail the 7 seas turning sea water into water vapor which will create clouds to shield the earth from the harmful rays of the sun, because the sun is bad, right??
I'm trying not to choke on my environmentally irresponsible jumbo all beef frank with kraut and mustard right now...Allow me to take a sip of water from my plastic water bottle which I will dispose of in the "regular garbage" when I am done....
What is next, gigantic flying ships manned by aged scientists and a horde of little people in silly white jump suits? Whats after that, enormous floating ice machines that run on gerbil power that produce behemoth sized ice cubes and float them in the arctic circle for the cute little polar bears to play on??
Seriously, what ever drugs these loonies are on, I want some because this is, like, the sweetest freaking idea ever hatched by man and I need it to make me a better writer...
WSJ Op-ed piece
his programs with his own rope.
* AUGUST 6, 2009, 4:56 P.M. ET
Why Obama May Fail
If Obama can't sell more government, no one can.
A very long time ago, it was January. Barack Obama stood at the mountain
top, bathed in the new light of a historic presidency and gazing down on
a congressional lake afloat with contented Democrats. Those who spoke
against him were vilified for not wanting this smart, vibrant president
to "succeed." How could he fail? Eight months into his presidency, Mr.
Obama may do just that-fail.
Back then, few would have argued persuasively that at the August recess
the Obama plan to redraw the American health-care landscape could be at
risk of failure, with Democratic Members of Congress going home to halls
full of raving constituents.
Why is this happening now? Mr. Obama was clear during the campaign about
his plans for health care. He described the public insurance option. He
spoke of the need for "sacrifice," meaning the wealthy would pay higher
taxes for his agenda.
If after all this Mr. Obama gets half a loaf or less on health care,
look for the reasons among the hopeful, admiring people who voted for
him. That is where his support is leaking.
Set to one side the progressive left, Congress's liberal war horses, and
the unions. For them, the Obama presidency is their last best hope, and
no one will be dropping out. Not so non-movement Democrats, centrists
and independents.
Start with taxes because conventional wisdom has held for years that
federal taxes must rise. Reality check No. 1: This much??!!!
I think many of Mr. Obama's supporters in the upper brackets of
politics, who were expected to bear the burden of his "sacrifice" by
meekly mailing in higher federal tax payments, are shocked at how high
their top marginal rates could go.
This is especially true in high-tax Democratic utopias such as New York
City, the famous ATM of Clinton-era fundraising, where the top marginal
rate for all taxes could hit 60% if the health surtax is imposed. Mayor
Mike Bloomberg is competing with Mr. Obama to pull tax revenue out of
the same base of taxpayers, and Sen. Chuck Schumer wants to tap them for
campaign contributions. Ask these two politicians what they're hearing
from this high-value swath of the Democratic base. Even the fattest cats
in time discover the fairness issue.
Taxpayers in New York, California and other states at the fiscal brink
are asking whether they'd rather pay a jacked-up marginal rate unto
death for another federal health-care program or pay taxes to support
the quality of life where they live.
The newly arrived inhabitants of the Obama White House, who this week
floated the possibility of middle-class taxes to pay for their deficit,
talk as if the states don't exist. Factoring in the "millionaire" health
surtax, the Tax Foundation's recent analysis puts the top marginal rate
over 50% in 39 states. This is nuts. Even if they back off on the
surtax, the health-care debate has made clear the needs and compulsions
of this White House, and some loyal Democratic "givers" are backing off
(or asking friends about no-tax Tennessee).
They say there's confusion in the land about the health-care bill. Here
is the biggest confusion, and for many Obama voters it's reality check
No. 2:
For years, Democratic politicians said the health-care problem was about
"47 million uninsured Americans." Whatever the merits, many people were
willing to do something for those with no health insurance. Suddenly,
these voters discovered that ObamaCare is about them. When did that
Every policy wonk in America may have known this was always an
everybody-into-the-pool proposal, and Mr. Obama has talked himself blue
saying people could stay with the insurance they've got or the doctor
they've got, "if you're happy with that" and don't like the public
A lot of people simply don't believe this. How come? White House adviser
David Axelrod said this week, "Our job is to help folks understand how
this will help them." It could be they've already thought about that.
For many people, the first six Obama months already have been an
unsettling Dantesque tour through levels of government "help" they never
knew existed.
Normally government activity flows by like unnoticed sludge, but Obama's
celebrity got everyone watching. What people have seen is: an $800
billion stimulus package designed by Congress, a $4 trillion budget,
massive outlays by an alphabet soup of Treasury and Federal Reserve
programs, Barney Frank the symbol of Democratic goals, and then the
federal absorption of GM, an American icon. After all this, ObamaCare
looks like a bridge too far.
They are proposing the biggest federal social program in a generation,
which no one can understand (or explain), and which requires permanent
federal tax increases starting with the wealthiest but threatening to
engulf the middle class.
The harder the White House and Democrats push this idea, the worse it
could get for them. Americans may have arrived at the limit of how much
government they want or will pay for. If Barack Obama can't sell more of
it, no one can.
Write to henninger@wsj.com
The Blame Game
I was told once by a speech teacher that when in a debate, if your opponent changes the subject or attempts to re-direct attention he/she is loosing or has found themselves without an argument. In Nancy Pelosi's case, this has happened. She was caught on record accusing the mass of citizens who have now found themselves protesting the feds from getting into the insurance business of carrying swastikas into the town hall meetings. I, myself, have never seen nor heard of such things happening, and I can tell you that I am involved on many fronts, not just from behind this monitor and keyboard. Yet, I am sure that sooner or later this blog will be one of the many numbered on the new W.H. snitch site, www.flag@whitehouse.gov. (Feel free to snitch, the brown shirts and jackboots can come but I wont let them in).
One of my personal favorite figures in Washington, Barbara Boxer, has taken her own jabs saying that all of this hallabaloo is "organized" and that the people just want to "change congress"..Really? You think so? Listen, lady, we do want to change congress and I will be much happier when you and your secret lover, Pelosi, are finished and sent back to kooky Cali on your private jet to stew in your own miserable juices. On the other hand if these town hall protesters were shouting about something she supported, she be standing up saying "They are exercising their right to be heard, they need help, they are being victimized and have a right to express their frustrations." Total hypocrisy again by the loony left...
On the Eastern Front, Obama has once again resorted to his artsy round about blaming of Bush for "this mess". What he keeps forgetting is that he was part of this mess as was half of the current congress, and if the system is still somewhat in place, they also should be roped in with that argument.
Its a pithy jab, King Obama, and a tired one at that. Both Alf and Vanilla Ice thinks that act is tired.
March On Washington And More. Read On And Join Us, Exercise Your Rights!
Cleveland Tea Party Patriots
Bus to D.C. and Marcia Fudge Rallies
August 5, 2009
Bus to Washington D.C. for the September 12 March
We have chartered a bus to take us to and from Washington D.C. for the Septermber 12 march. It will depart from a location TBD near I-77 and I-480 at 11:00pm on Friday, September 11. With a stop for breakfast this will put us into Washington D.C. by 7:30am - time to help set up and get ready for the march.
The bus will depart Washington D.C. Saturday at 6:00pm. With a stop for dinner this will get us back to Cleveland in the wee hours of Sunday morning.
The cost is $60 per person. Your reservation must be received by August 11, 2009. Checks must be made out to Outsourcing Strategies, Inc. Mail to:
Linda O'Brien
P.O. Box 250
Russell, OH 44072
Include your
Email address
Phone number
Cell phone number (for use on September 12)
Linda will send you a confirmation of your reservation. We need your cell phone number so that we can make sure we don't leave anybody behind when we leave Washington D.C.
Marcia Fudge Rallies
There are two rallies planned to protest Representative Marcia Fudge's support of the government take-over of health care:
- August 12, 2009, 5:00pm
Ford Auditorium in the Allen Memorial Library on the campus of Case Western Reserve University
Rep. Fudge is attending a reception and then speaking. We will gather outside with signs.
For more details and a map, see this page. - August 13, 2009, 9:00am
Warrensville Civic Center
Health Care Town Hall
For more details and a map, see this page.
Please try attend one of both of these. If we want to stop the government take-over of our health care system it is essential that we keep the pressure on our representatives. They are feeling the heat, and many of them are apparently in hiding during the Congressional recess rather than scheduling town hall meetings.
Keep checking the Cleveland Tea Party website for updated information. There are lots of events happening in August.
The Thought Police

The White House website is promoting the turning in of chain emails, blogs and the like in order to quell any "mis-information" concerning the health care reform by average citizens...or at least those who read the White House page.
As the Obama administration attempts again and again to shove down our collective gullets socialized medicine, they are trying so very hard to get the public to buy into for yet another day.
From what I have seen and heard its not going well. This will not stop Congress, however, until they are booted out or dragged into the streets to answer in front of a citizen court.
Dont just take my word for it, read it yourself and understand the arrogance and that the community organizer is and will be not only bold, but calculated in his work.
Obama Exposed??

Its not as if we didnt know what was happening or what was going on, it was only a matter of time before the exposure began to take place and we were faced with the reality of what Americans are up against.
In Los Angeles, "Joker" style posters bearing the face of B.H. Obama with the word "SOCIALISM" printed in bold, block type below the depiction are and have been cropping up all over the city. Some have been astonsihed but others are applauduing the move as heroic and outspoken.
The corp of community organizers, namely Earl Ofari Hutchinson of the Los Angeles Urban Party Roundtable, care calling it "mean spirited" and "dangerous". I beg, Mr. Earl, to tell me how it is dangerous? Could it be because this is the right of the people of the U.S. to speak and express themselves as they see fit? Or does it go against that which is speedily being established? Vanity Fair magazine published similar images of G.W. Bush in 2008 to the jeers of the progressive movement and the Hollywood elite. The same Hollywood elite who are now taking trips to places such as Cuba and Venezuela to canoodle with the Commies, for what and to what end I am not sure.
Additionally, a recent video that has gone viral via YouTube, shows Obama doing what he apparently does best, two face the issues and pander to the voters. In a talk to the Ameican Medical Association he states that Government run health care is not a shell game to institute a single payer, Government exclusive health care system. In the same video he is shown with the SEIU saying that his goal, eventually, is to eliminate employer based health coverage. In the next clip he is standing in front of the AFL-CIO and plainly states that he is "a proponent of a single payer, universal health care plan".
My question is thus: Who are you lying to, Mr. President? The unions you represent in order to gather a few more pithy votes, or the American Citizen??
As Barack Obama has been compared to Lincoln, perhaps he should remember the words of that man: "This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing Government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it."
There is folly in the leadership of a community organizer, an activist and ideologist as president. Although he has the skill to organize many people to his cause, the folly therein is his ignorance to the strength of the common man and his love of country, as well as his arrogance and overestimation of his precieved power. This man will serve no purpose but his own and tear down the foundation and framework, even the Constitution, to forward his own selfish ideology and that of those he surrounds himself with.
Still Alive
Currently I am in my office after making my daily agenda and am flipping between CNN, FOX and HN, none of which are tickling my fancy right now but since I don't have a television at home that feeds me the digitized television signal we've been graciously given by the "gub'ment" I get what I can here...I would also like to point out that not having the squawk box blaring incessantly at all hours of the day and night is slightly comforting as I know I'm a little less poisoned, or a little less informed...even a little less enraged...
In typical progressive fashion there are individuals who think that they can have "talks" with Taliban leadership...to achieve what?? So we can strike some bogus deal, throw something of value at them, then hold our breaths in an attempt to get them to stop blowing things up??
What the idiot politicians are failing to understand is that these people don't think on a rational level, much less anything remotely resembling reality. Muslim extremists are hell bent on spreading the ideals that they themselves have adopted throughout the world and will stop at nothing to get it done. They will continue to play the guerrilla warfare game until either you are indoctrinated or dead, either will do I am sure.
This thought alone is not only scary but it goes to prove that the myopic and insipid mind of the politician is polluted and sickened worse than anything Al Gore and the "Greenies" could ever fathom.
Meanwhile, the people of Jerusalem are taking to the streets. It seems they've had more than an earful and are doing what people in this country would never do under fear of outrageous and incredible ridicule or even death. Simply put, if Americans took to the streets in protest of Obama there would probably be cops coming out of the woodwork rocking riot gear and tear gas grenades and ACORN members bleating to the call of the great tree...
"The Stimulus Is Working..."
Im going to throw my hat in the ring on this one...Im going to have to supplement my income anyway...perhaps Ill share my blog providing I dont end up in the gallows.
A Tribute To Joe B.

I wonder if there are any other bloggers out there commenting to the fact that this walking failure, Joe Biden, has gaffed, misspoken or acted the general fool more in the past 6 months than G.W. could have possibly dreamed of in his 8 years in office...Joe Biden makes Boston Mayor, Tom Menino look like JFK or Winston Churchill...
Whats really funny about it is that he makes no apology for being a complete dumb-ass which leads me to believe that he does not know he has brain damage. Do you think Barack sets his attack dogs (Rahm and Gibbs) loose on Joe when he gets back to Washington??
It must be the hair plugs interfering with normal brain function...
Can anyone explain to me how you spend money to avoid bankruptcy? Isn't the object behind avoiding going broke to NOT spend money?? You know, cut waste and useless bureaucratic jobs??
Apparently Joe failed to get the memo...But what I want to know is the thought process behind making this living disaster V.P.?? Who paid who or did favors for to get such and such??
Any suggestions or explanations would be great...
An Encouraging Bit Of News
Hopefully the Blue Dogs and the ones in Congress with at least half a brain will get it and not let this thing through.
Many, including myself, have spent hours on the phone and writing letters to our Congressmen letting them know how utterly foolish this is and how it will only strike a death sentence upon many American citizens and drive hundreds, if not thousands of small businesses into the ground.
What I still cannot understand is why average citizens would be in favor of this...Unless they are just completely ignorant to the needs and the consequences of those needs.
The bottom line is that this is America. We live, we strive to succeed and if we fail, we try again until we reach that proverbial summit. Those are the principles that this nation was founded upon and those are the principles that we must continue to follow.
This notion that we must rely on Big Brother for everything is the same idea that brought down so many other great nations and societies. As I have said before, there are people now who are in power and have been in power, even those who are striving for that who can, will and are currently selling out you and I for the things of the world. For money, power and prestige. They would sell out their country and its people perhaps even their own families for a taste of those things. They are evil and corrupt and some, I would venture a guess, just want to watch it all burn...Those are the people we must fight against, those are the people we must bring down.
"Wow, that's all I can say..."

I suppose you have to have some special degree from Harvard or Yale or Brown or some garbage like that in order to understand the new bureaucratic nightmare flow chart released by the GOP explaining Obama's audacious hope of socialized health care...
Rahm and the gang are pushing this through so hard that Congress is literally choking and Queen Nancy is doing cartwheels in the hallways...I hear that as the draft was approved she cried tears of joy and desperately tried to hide the little dollar signs that appeared in her eyes...
Tax and spend, rinse, repeat...
From what I can gather and what I have read from several sources, as the official bill has not been released for public consumption at this hour, employers will be mandated to provide health care to their employees in exchange for "Health Credits" as well as the massive, and I mean massive, tax on the "rich" and "super rich". Ironically and consequently this includes most of Congress and the Presidents Cabinet and financial backers. However I doubt, and would bet my trusty nose picking finger, that they will weasel out of having to submit one red cent to the needed, and estimated, 1.5 Trillion dollars needed to make sure some welfare slug can get ER care for that hang nail and indigestion from consuming too many bags of Doritos and Kool-Aid that they bought with their WIC card...
One of the keys here is that we already have millions each year seeking emergency services for non-emergency issues...however, by law they must be seen by a health practitioner and be submitted to testing before release on account that if they drop dead in the parking lot after a doctor misdiagnosis a heart condition as acid reflux. They could sue the doctor, the hospital and if they are a welfare recipient, the state. There are plenty of ambulance chasing scumbag lawyers out there who would sell their mother to a circus for a pack of Big League Chew bubble gum and a six pack of crappy beer for the opportunity to cash in on that mistake and represent a grieving family to the tune of a few million for their loss, while the lawyer gets 20% or more.
Not only will this bill drive down the quality of care, increase the length of wait for care and end up hurting more people that it helps, but will drive small business owners off of main street and either into retirement or force them to work less, thereby reducing their tax burden. The majority of the American work force is employed by small business and the risk that the taxes and forced coverage for employees will be too much. By the time this pendulum gets into its full motion, more jobs will be lost and more people will have no choice but to resort to the government teat of unemployment and welfare, if you can get it.
One last, but not the least, effect this bill would have is to drive good doctors underground. Doctors and nurses who refuse to buy into the system could and will start doing incognito house calls and practicing out of their own homes or private offices, off the books, to avoid the myriad of taxes and regulations that will be placed as this act evolves and more legislation is added over the years. And lets not even broach the subject of the Canadian system or the system in the U.K. where some people wait months for things like arthritis, or sometimes longer for chemo treatment and my never get treatment for "less serious" issues. Of course its normalcy for the "really smart" people who have been elected to know how to fix whats wrong with what others have already tried and failed at...kind of like how some folks think they can polish the turd of Socialism.
Al Franken Is A Dope
Here is a link from Breitbart.com
Ive also added a new link for a great blog from a wordpress.com member from Vancouver. Its an excellent point of view from a conservative blogger in Canada where they have and are doing the same crappy government programs we are just now catching on to. There are plenty of posts about that so I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I have.
Press Release From Some Friends Of Mine
Cleveland Tea Party Patriots
For Immediate Release
July 11, 2009
Contact: Clevelandteaparty@gmail.com
Taking it to the Streets on Health Care
Tea Party Patriots Stage Nationwide Health Care Rallies
Join us and the National Tea Party Patriots in taking our fight to the front steps of our representitives. Already scoring a victory in having Cap and Trade postponed, we must continue our efforts and turn it up a notch on Health Care.
Join your fellow Tea Party Patriots on July 17th at the local home office of each Congressman and Senator to make it absolutely clear we oppose government run health care. These rallies will occur simultaneously across the country from Noon to 1:00 PM Eastern (9:00 to 10:00 AM Pacific). From Florida to Washington, from Maine to California, from Alaska to Hawaii and everywhere in between you and thousands of other Tea Party Patriots will assemble together outside the offices of those who are elected to represent us, and make our voices heard once again.
We need you and anyone else you can bring in order to achieve our goal of having massive numbers to make our point outside every single district office in the country. Take 1 hour off of work on July 17th to show up and speak out.
- Date: Friday July 17, 2009
- Where: Local Congressional and Senate Offices
- Time: 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Rep. Dennis Kucinich
14400 Detroit Ave
Lakewood, OH 44107
Rep. Marcia Fudge
4834 Richmond Road, Suite 150
Warrensville Heights, OH 44128
Rep. Steve LaTourette
Twinsburg Government Center
10075 Ravenna Road
Twinsburg, OH 44087
Senator George Voinovich
1240 East 9th Street, Room 3061
Cleveland, OH 44199
Senator Sherrod Brown
1301 East Ninth St., Suite 1710
Cleveland, OH 44114
As a matter of principle, The Tea Party Patriots are firmly committed to supporting the fight for genuine access to affordable, quality healthcare for every American. The time has come to create a balanced, common sense approach that will guarantee that Americans receive the care they deserve and which will still protect the sacred doctor-patient relationship. We will oppose any system run by politicians or bureaucrats granted the right to deny citizens and physicians the treatments they believe are in a patient’s best interest.
If you are interested in participating, hosting or helping to coordinate with these rallies, please email us ASAP. Go to the Cleveland Tea Party website forums for sign ideas, talking points and more detailed information.
"Everything Is A Round, A Circle, A Cycle..."
Also it has allowed me to forget politics for a bit, however with the upcoming Supreme Court confirmation of the "Wise Latina" who throughout her history has been a reported supporter of Latino "extremist" and supremacy groups like PRLDEF, Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund, has taken hard leaning stands on Latino "equality" and "civil rights", the Lefts favorite buzz words. She has also been considered to be an environmental extremist, and has also been reported to have supported and have ties to ACORN.
It was B.H. Obama who said "An Acorn doesn't fall far from the tree." Indeed it does not, but to what end? It seems that Obama is true to his roots once again as 350 pages of information detailing the judges links to PRLDEF, (now known as "Latino Justice PRLDEF" and ACORN who has now to "Community Organizations International") have been released detailing the 12 years Sotomayor spent on its board. They will be rummaged through in detail and scrutinized harshly by the GOP that sit on the Judiciary Committee, but if I am not mistaken the Dems have the majority on that panel so I don't know how much difference it will make in the end.
The GOP will do its thing and cite the ties and scrutinize her past judgments making a point, I am sure, that she has a tendency to judge using ideology instead with precedence and the rule of law. The Dems will play up the fact that she is of Latino lineage and that this is some sort of ground breaking deal, much like the election of Obama, seeing as how she would be the first Latin Justice, on top of being a female. Its affirmative action at work, people. The affirmative action president and the affirmative action Supreme Court Justice. If she is not nominated, ten will get you twenty that somewhere out of deep left field someone will play the race card, most likely Rachel "Madcow", Olberman (who will blame it on "Right Wing Extremism") or John Stewart (who will blame it on Bush) will try and dump another few cans of unleaded on the fires of racism stating that since its a woman and shes Latino she didn't get nominated that the GOP and/or those who voted against her are purely racist.
Sotomayors comments, as recent as her official nomination, have allowed the informed public to peer into her real, honest to goodness thoughts and the underlying intentions of Obama, who with this move, has pretty much put a lasso around the Latin vote. A shrewd sucker punch and a pathetic pander in order to wrangle in a few more votes...Also, if Sotomayor is confirmed and seated, we are sure to see her vote in favor of any ACORN or Latino related cases that come across the bench. Her track record will speak for itself as she has been touted as a "Centrist" by the government run media, but will end up being a hard left leaner and a reliable staple post for the left throughout the years. This will also tip the scales further to the left when it comes to issues like gun control, abortion laws and furthering affirmative action legislation making it tougher to do things like hire qualified candidates and fire the lousy ones.
As the Supreme Court has grown more emboldened and begun legislating from the bench, the need for checks and balances has been put to the hog trough. More and more Americans are becoming hip to the garbage and are taking a stand joining non partisan organizations that stand for fair and smaller governance, fewer taxes and liberty, becoming more and more active in civil matters and rallying the citizenry.
Heed the call and take a stand before you wake up one day as the sun shines in through the window and you realize that you have nothing left except your thoughts, which you can never speak out loud.
More For The Senator
"If the Federal Environmental Agency in league with the powerful Green lobbies would drop the 1000 plus lawsuits that have totally and completely STOPPED ALL new drilling for oil and natural gas as well as Shale Oil Technology within the United States as well as in ANWAR and the Continental Shelf we would not have an “energy crisis” nor would we be dependent upon foreign energy sources. One can only guess what the annual savings to tax paying Americans would be if we had these American resources made available to us. Obviously are the prices of gasoline, heating oil and natural gas. But virtually everything we use in our everyday life has oil built into it or it’s manufacture and packaging somewhere.
Further, in excess of 700 world class scientists have banned together and have issued studies that prove the global warming propaganda is exactly that. In very fact, recent as well as ancient history has shown the earth and associated planets in our solar system have forever gone through repeated cycles of warming and cooling. (You know, It’s the sun, stupid).
The overwhelming evidence today is that earth is going into a period of global cooling. In addition to the real fact that there is no hard scientific evidence that man’s actions are warming the planet, the very statement shows the audacity of some men to believe that the miniscule everyday actions of puny mankind, when measured against the backdrop of the greatness of earth and associated forces can really have an effect upon the climate!
Just stop to think that when the Americas were discovered the journals of the earliest explorers show that the forests we now have across the western United States were not there at the time. Two hundred years later, as man settled the continent mass clear cutting took place all up and down the eastern seaboard and across intermountain west. Yet growth rings and geological exploration do not show a global impact from these activities. Surely the impact of virtual de-forestation would have done something really bad.
The Cap and Trade Legislation is Pure Special Interest Legislation in it’s finest form.
1. It will serve to quiet the powerful environmentalists for a time, from which President Obama and so many of the Congress owe their Congressional Seats.
2. It will serve to broaden the scope of authority for the Department of the Interior and the Environmental Protection Agency beyond their leadership’s wildest dreams thereby earning those at the top greater income and far greater power.
3. It will put a feather in the President’s cap as another campaign promise filled.
4. It will serve to make Goldman Sachs more wealthy, by Billions of Dollars, than they now are because the trading of permits to purchase CO/2 emissions will be through them.
5. Wall Street will be happy because they can see the money to be made in trading the mass amounts of Rationing that will follow.
6. The Congress will be happy because in the negotiations for this legislation many will barter their signature for pet projects in their respective states that will end up lining their own pockets with gold.
7. The Congress will be overjoyed because this legislation, when it becomes law, will give them another Wall Street insider trading option with which to make great amounts of money; especially for those on committees where tactics and governance are taking place that will affect the selling prices of the permits and all associated sales.
8. The Congress will be happy because they will then have another group of special interests from which to leverage additional funds.
9. General Electric, Westinghouse, Philips, and so on will be happy because they are large enough to leverage exclusive contracts for those “Government Approved” energy savings devices such as Government Controlled heating and cooling thermostats, (Great Britain already has them), special Government Approved light bulbs, hot water temperature control devices monitored from outside the homes of Americans, timers attached to showers, tubs, laundry, and so on that will be monitored from outside the homes of Americans.
( Again, Great Britain has already mandated these control devices.
10. Nancy Pelosi will be especially happy because her Green Agenda is to control every personal aspect of Americans lives.
Of course there is more because with this legislation the only limits are to the lawmaker’s imagination. But in the end it will be the American Worker who will pay the price. Senator Brown’s form letter fails to mention the small fact that his “revolving fund” will be paid for by taxpayers. He conveniently fails to tell the cost of his plan.
I could go on but time will not allow. I must continue to work and save every penny I can scrounge up. When, not if, this legislation becomes law, I will need every thing possible to just get by.
If you think I am kidding around or I have fallen into another conspiracy theory, go on line and take your Green Carbon Footprint test. You will be pleasantly surprised to find how you will be forced to live under the upcoming Green Dictatorship."
This is a great argument and I urge everyone to use a similar talking points directed at your Senators as some of them will be getting their proverbial envelope of cash ensuring that they pass this abomination and pack of lies. Most importantly, find out what side your Senators stand on stay in contact with them through every step of the way...If we fail to do so we have no excuse or recourse if this thing gets passed...My Response To The Gentleman From Ohio
I must take some time this morning to ask you a few questions in rebuttal to the response you gave me concerning the Cap and Trade legislation you obviously plan on voting for this coming fall.
First, How is the Cap and Trade legislation going to keep the much needed manufacturing jobs in cities like Lorain, Elyria and greater Cleveland? Right now I see a death sentence on an already crippled economy with the auto manufactures selling out to the Obama administration and the UAW, closing plants in Lorain and Cleveland putting thousands out of work and further driving local economies into the grave. How is the Cap and Trade legislation going to bring the steel plant back up to 100% operation in Lorain and put people back to work? How is it going to revitalize a once vibrant downtown Elyria, bringing back business and increasing traffic other than to the multi-million dollar justice center?
How is Cap and Trade going to lower my utility costs and keep them from going up. A recent study suggests that my household electric bill could increase by at least $130 per month. That is half of my auto payment and more than I can possibly afford on my median income. On the other hand there are other studies that suggest that number would be much, much lower and and be spread out over the course of a year making relatively no impact on a families monthly budget. However lets be realistic, Senator, this is something that nobody knows what the outcome will be. To me its all a guessing game and really a huge gamble, the largest gamble on the financial future of this country ever.
You also mentioned our energy Independence and the environmental concerns behind the theory of "man made global warming". Lets be real, there is no real hard science based evidence, irrefutable evidence even, that there actually is man mad global warming, or that carbon emissions are doing any real damage at all. The recent petition signed by over 30,000 scientists stating that the entire thing is a sham and that we (America) should withdraw our names from the Kyoto protocol. I can only liken this argument to the one on evolution. There is no real scientific evidence that evolution is factual or that it actually happened. It is still and will continue to be a theory until that evidence comes to light. By definition a scientific theory is something that has no basis of fact or is steeped in scientific law, something that cannot be refuted with evidence.
Lastly on this argument, Senator, numerous studies show that this country has enough oil reserves underground to sustain us for decades, if not longer. Coal is the most abundant resource we have on our soil. It is so plentiful that the interior of the U.S., namely Kentucky, West Virgina and Southern Ohio have been referred to as "The Saudi Arabia of Coal". We must continue to use what has been given us, failure to do so is folly and cutting off our nose to spite our face. Also, new nuclear technology has given us a safer, more reliable and cleaner energy that is not only powerful but efficient, abundant and inexpensive. If the red tape and useless taxes and regulations were lifted from this process, we could see an energy boon in this country where the cost of electricity would be slashed and we could sell the excess to other countries like Mexico and Canada. Hydrogen power is a real deal. Years ago I witnessed a model of a hydrogen generator that powered an entire house, both heating, cooling and electricity. It ran on a tank of 100 gallons of city water and was able to replenish itself by recycling the used water vapor and only replenishing the tank via the city water supply by about 5-10 gallons a day, less than the water used by residential dish washer in one wash. If a company were to develop this technology and market it and make it affordable to consumers it could be landmark for not only the nation, but the world.
I reiterate to you, Senator, as I said before. Cap and Trade is not the answer. If you vote "Yea" on the Cap and Trade legislation there several non-partisan grassroots organizations that will actively campaign against you in the next campaign cycle. We will picket and distribute leaflets at your campaign rallies and speaking engagements. We will show evidence of the tax and cost increases to your constituency and voters and support any opposition candidate that casts his/her vote in the interest of the American people, not the interests of the environmental groups, the unions, or the in the interest of profit weather it be personal or otherwise.
Thank you again for your time, I look forward to hearing from you and reading your rebuttal.
Regards and well wishes,
Lucas Buchanan
Avon Ohio, via Columbus
Good Morning, Senator...
Dear Mr. Buchanan:
Thank you for sharing your views about energy legislation.
Effective clean energy legislation will reduce carbon emissions and promote the production of renewable energy—but most importantly it will also ensure the creation of new clean energy jobs and industries. Clean energy legislation must also ensure the competitiveness of domestic manufacturers and protect consumers by keeping utility rates affordable. We must work to reduce our dependence on foreign oil by making America a global leader in clean energy manufacturing.
For this reason, I recently announced legislation called the Investments for Manufacturing Progress and Clean Technology (IMPACT) Act. This legislation, which was included in the House energy bill, would support manufacturers' transition to the clean energy economy and ensure clean energy jobs are created here in the U.S. This legislation would create a revolving loan fund for small and medium size manufacturers to retool and expand facilities to produce clean energy technology and energy efficient products. It is estimated this measure will create hundreds of thousands of new jobs.
A growing consensus of scientists agree that human activities are contributing to rising sea levels, extreme weather, and climate change across the globe. As the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases, the United States has a clear obligation to be at the forefront of climate change policy. Without action, we risk our health and the health of future generations, the well-being of our coastal areas, and the productivity of our farms, forests, and fisheries.
As climate change legislation continues to be discussed in Congress, I will work to ensure that an unfair burden is not placed on Ohio families and businesses and that clean energy legislation creates new jobs and economic opportunities across Ohio.
I will certainly keep your views in mind as this legislation moves through Congress. Thank you again for writing.
Sherrod Brown
United States Senator
I suppose that I will just have to continue to write citing my sources and ask his form letter machine that he do the same...You'd think that a responsible, duly elected official would be able to back up his argument concerning WHY he would be voting for the largest, most despicable tax increase in American history...
Link Time!!
Read on, friends...
Mad As Hell Yet??
There are currently 14,729,000 officially unemployed workers, as just announced. However, this figure does not include the combined 15,443,000 workers either (1) in the "labor force reserve" because they have abandoned their job searches (i.e., 4,278,000) or (2) underemployed because they are "part-time of necessity" (i.e., 8,989,000) or "otherwise marginally attached" (i.e., 2,176,000).
The effective unemployment rate is therefore 18.70%, instead of the official 9.51%.
Since the start of the recession in December 2007, the number of workers who are officially unemployed has increased by 7,188,000, while almost twice as many workers - 13,290,000 - have become effectively unemployed. And all the while, we should have been creating around 2,250,000 new jobs (i.e., 18 months times 125,000 jobs per month) just to keep up with population growth.
In June, the number of workers officially unemployed increased 218,000, while the number of workers effectively unemployed actually decreased 35,000.
It's important to see the entire picture of America's jobs profile -- no matter how unpleasant.
I recognize that credit bubble related recoveries are hard to work out and are usually quite slow -- with job growth at the back end. This all makes sense -- but with Christina Romer out raising expectations again with giddy talk predicting a V-shaped recovery and given the "jobs, jobs, jobs" mantra of President Obama himself -- the gap between the job figures expected and the disappointing economic realities generated may be politically consequential.
The problem is that the people are complacent to just sit around and talk about it and do nothing...When will we take it to the streets? When is enough enough??
How much higher will unemployment have to rise before that happens?? 20, 25, 30%?? We are almost at 20% and damn near on pace to see that 30% by 2010...Will you go stand in the voting booth and cast your vote for the same "duly elected" criminals we have now??
How much longer until you go to the supermarket and milk is 10 bucks a gallon and you have to decide between paying the electric bill or feeding your kids?? If things keep heading in the direction we are going now, that may soon be a reality...
How much longer do you think it will be before you simply cannot afford to drive to work?? When the majority of the working class commute an average of 25 minutes just to get to their respective jobs, which is about 20-25 miles, that is a really long bus ride and an even longer commute by foot or bicycle...
How much higher will inflation go before you are so pissed that we are engaging in mass protest outside the White House and Capitol demanding the heads of the congress go on the block, and subsequently whatever scapegoat the White House puts out there to get some answers?? They are masters of spin and will certainly find a way to spin it and give us the same mantra that has been spewed for years, "Everything is alright, we will get out of it, its just going to take some time..."
Great societies always come to their end...The Mayans and Incas did themselves in from the inside out even before Cortez could set foot on shore...The French revolted and dragged the statesmen into the streets where they were publicly murdered by the people...The Italians did it to Mussolini and his wife...Other countries coup and turn their government over whenever they dont like what is going on, seat someone else, write new rules and when the wheels begin to wobble, they tear it down and start over...We have been in this game for about 233 years and counting, when is enough, enough??
The states sold out to the feds years ago when they started taking YOUR money, now the feds own them...Federal dollars are worked into state budgets year after year when the states should be completely self sufficient and able to stand on their own...The constitution is written that way...Big business in America sold out when they started taking YOUR money from the feds and now, surprise, they own GM, Chrysler and most of the major banks and investment firms in the country...If you own it, you can manipulate it, right??
For the past 35 years, with the exception of a few bright shining moments, our government has literally given it to us raw. They have little by little stripped us of our rights and liberties. They have passed legislation and laws that continue to reap tyranny at home and abroad. We have started and gotten involved in wars that are either not our own nor can we finish...that alone is against what this country was founded upon when our founders were fighting their way away from an Empire. We have been taxed repeatedly higher and higher each year...increasing scandal and lawlessness, has led to the desensitization of the people, we are so used to it that we just dont care anymore...the apex of that being Clinton and his inability to control his "Little Bill"...Last, but most certainly not least, the day the Congress of this United States Of America voted themselves pay raises, vacations and eliminated the term limits set by their predecessors, is the day true democracy, this country, and the liberty of her people began to perish, until this day when the very breath of life threatens to escape the lips of a dying nation, the powers that sit in the now desecrated halls of Congress and The White House are driven mad with greed and drunk with power...so much so that they will do anything, I am convinced even to the point of selling their very souls to the great adversary, to get gain and live whatever pathetic existence they have left surrounded by this false and phony notion they have created...
Message Board Arms Race

The ignorance of the human being never ceases to amaze me...
I should really, REALLY, stop frequenting the message boards in search of political and pop culture babble...I am to the point that I am going to start foaming at the mouth and challenge the next Obama bumper sticker toting reject I see to a duel...I even do it the old fashioned way...you know, I come correct sporting a pair of leather gloves, gently yet sternly remove one of them finger by finger and slap the sheeple right across the face then dramatically throw it down to the ground in front of them proudly declaring, "I challenge thee to a duel" making sure I emphasize the word "duel" into two distinct syllables...Allow me to note that it would be really awesome if I had a large brimmed, felt hat with a gigantic feather in the band...not like a pimp hat but more like a buccaneer...My assistant will be near by with various weaponry...bats wrapped in barbed wire and staples, Conan the Barbarian swords, chains, ninja stars, a pole axe, rocks and sling shots and shields...
We shall fight to the death in a no holds barred match of strength and cunning...thats if the boob doesnt run away crying as soon as I start chucking ninja stars and come strong with the Conan sword.
There are several points of light that I wish to bring to your attention...I shall now submit a couple for your enjoyment accordingly and anonymously...
"we as a people need to hold our own courts with our own ruling body, maybe say like a yay or nay from a crowd(mob). we could build a stage and/or a public hall. go down to the capitals buildings and haul the crooks out one by one to the public court and hold their trials there for all to see and attend. wall st will not be exempt from these trials either."
**My reply to this enlightened individual, and the numb skull sheeple, was as such...
"Actually, the Constitution allows for such things including forming a militia to regulate the government, even to the point of revolt and coup to keep things pure...
"Our problem is that we have become so complacent as a citizenry that we have allowed years of congressional and presidential steamrolling of our rights...Lets face it, the day the congress voted themselves no term limits and raises is the day that freedom and the Constitution of our country began to die...We only allow the President two terms, why should we allow congress the exact opposite formality??
"Find your local non partisan organizations and join them. Openly campaign against the people who are screwing us. Openly picket the offices of the congressmen who have taken money and been paid off (which is 100% illegal) into voting for expanding government, especially the Cap and Trade legislation which IS a tax increase. What I dont get is how you can buy and sell what is essentially "air" on the open market. Its just as absurd as buying prayers from the TV evangelist or going to get "healed" by some creepy jack-ass in a $1000 white suit who really just likes to put his hands on people...The retarded sheeple dont see it yet but will feel it if it passes, especially when the cost of their rot gut wine and arugula sprigs go through the roof. Honestly I can say that if it does pass people are just going to say 'screw it' and take the fight to the streets..."
I shall be in front with my Conan sword and shield ready for battle...
I especially love how this special person refers to Wikiepedia as an actual reference?? Are you freaking kidding me?? Does he/she not know that Wiki is a user generated online "encyclopedia" and not an official reference?? I can make up a definition and explanation for anything I want...its just as futile as urbandictionary.com
"...And for those who are listening to the political talking heads trying to tell you this is a new 'tax', I suggest you attempt to learn what emissions trading (Cap & Trade) really is. You could even read the actual bill in congress.. Nah.. You can start below, but if you research the actual countries doing it, you will find it has been economically beneficial and even helped to lower energy costs somewhat due to forcing investments in newer technology... Especially Australia & New Zealand.
As to 'Europe' loving alternative energy, I didn't say that. I said that alternative energy is in extensive use in Europe, and it is. It does not produce all their power, but they are installing it in significant amounts. Germany, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands. Denmark derives a lot of their power from wind, and is the largest producer of wind energy."
Obviously this individual has never read the Crap and Trade legislation either, the same as their esteemed Congressional Representatives have failed to do on several occasions...I read as much as I could stomach without vomiting up my breakfast of plain oatmeal and Detour bar...Actually, never mind that...the mere fact that they are using Wiki as a rebuttal floors me altogether yet somehow I am not surprised...
So for today I will do my very best to keep off the message boards and turn my attention to writing Senator Sherrod Brown letting this fine gentleman know that if he votes for Cap and Trade that I, along with others, shall openly picket his local office, donate to mass mail and phone banks and drive as many negative campaign ads possible as well as openly, and as obnoxiously as possible, picket any speaking engagement and campaign stop he has on his little agenda in the upcoming campaign season...
And to that I bid you, good day, sir...
The Files of a Jet Setting Congressman

I'll make this short as my morning break here at work is only 15 minutes and I tend to do alot of self editing...to avoid that below is a link to a news story I found not only viable but so hypocritical that if you dont see the elitism and the bold slap in the face of the American Tax Payer, than you are not paying attention and should never stand in a voting booth again...
See the photo above?? thats right, theres our ol pal Nancy "Looks Like An Aged Tranny" Pelosi, doing a little shopping in gay 'ol Paris, or "Paree" if youre following my thread here...
Apparently the trips on YOUR dime have been piling up (heres the link ctsy of the WSJ)...Me thinks that the Libs are smelling smoke as the 2010 campaigns begin to start up at the end of this year, and there is a huge potential for a massive turnover where the Libs are sure to get ousted...Its kind of like you KNOW if youre going to get fired and so you steal pencils and pens and eat other peoples lunch out of the office refrigerator, then turn it off before you leave so the next morning someones tuna salad wrap smells like a fish mongers ass...History shows us that they typically dont last more than a few years anyway, passing a ton of garbage legislation and doing their very best to jack up the tax rate and spend, spend, spend...
Most of these crooks make over the now famous 250k/year tag of "rich" and I would guess pretty accurately that they dont pay a single dime into the IRS. Here they are now spending like freaking crazy and getting away with it...Where is the outrage here?? When this thing turns over Im heading to Washington on my next vacation to go lobby Dennis Kucinich, who voted "NAY" on the Crap and Trade bill by the way, and loves a good fight, as well as Ron Paul into writing legislation that would demand re-payment of time and monies used to travel out of the country...I ask, what on earth does a member of Congress need to do in the Galapagos or touring Europe?? Ive worked a job pretty much since I was 14 years old and have never even been to Canada...